Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What I like about Republicans


Newt Gingrich:
"Copenhagen in it's current form is a fraud by the left around the world to take power away from people and give it to government and bureaucrats, and it is a combined effort by the bureaucrats and the academics to take power away from free people and turn them over to an international organization and it is going to be a disaster and we should be committed to not implementing Copenhagen in it's current form under any circumstances."

and then:

"if the left manages to drive through a bill which is opposed by 65 percent of the country on health care our commitment should be simple: the minute we get a majority we are repealing the whole thing." and then: "And I want every Democrat who is about to sacrifice their seat for socialized medicine to understand: after you lose your seat, you’re going to lose the socialized medicine too." Both quotes got hearty applause.

These are exactly the kind of things that the left is to cowardly to say in defense of their positions.

There is of course a grain of truth in the first Gingrich quote above. Global warming is a real problem but there *are* governments and bureaucracies who would exploit it simply as an excuse to seize various powers. What's good about Republicans is you can count on them to stand up to this. But lets change that quote to be about the recent war and see how wanting and cowardly to Democrats have been:

"An invasion of Iraq at this time is simply a ploy by the right wing and the military to take power away from people and give it to the government and military by plunging the country into an unnecessary war. War suits their domestic and foreign agenda, it strengthens them politically and themselves personally. This war is designed to take power away from free people and turn them over to a regime of fear for purely political reasons. It is going to be a disaster and we should be committed to not doing it under any circumstances."

But no Democrat of any stature had the courage to say that in 2003. Instead they rushed to vote in favor of the war so as to "get it off the table". Both statements are equally accurate. In both cases there are and were "true believers" who do and did actually believe in the cause - and there are powerful drivers of each who do so for strictly political purposes.

The GOP has the guts to come out and say it, the Democrats largely did not.

Also note the "never say die" attitude in the second Gingrich quote and contrast that with the typical lameness of the Democrats.

On both statements Gingrich might be at risk of being portrayed as outside the mainstream at the moment. Does that stop him? Does that frighten him? No.

Standing up the way he is now -when the wind is blowing in the other direction- is inspiring.

On the other side the Dems are being all bent around by one of their own (Joe Lieberman).

I'm not the only one to notice the dichotomy:

If present trends continue expect big GOP gains next fall.

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